My name is Korky, I am a 3.5 months old male. I ended up in a bad situation, where a good Samaritan called animal control to report abuse . This neighbor had seen me being hit, kicked, and then thrown down the stairs in an apartment complex. I was instantly confiscated by the animal control officer. She is my hero for saving me! Now I have food, snuggles, love, and a good-smelling bed. I even got my first bath, shot, and dewormer. My tail does not stop wagging, because I can now be a puppy. I'm looking for a loving family. I think I am some kind of Maltese mix. I’m not gonna be very big in size, but I have a big heart. ♥️ I'm being fostered in Lodi. Please look deep into your heart to see if you have a little place for me.